Covid-19 Resources, Animal Play, And Queer Magic

Hello beautiful beings!
This week has been a whirlwind of learning, teaching, cleaning, and making art. During my walks, I also got to take in wildlife that was coming back to the city. One of the classes I had the pleasure of attending a number of classes at the Virtual Intimacy Retreat including “Pleasure as Prayer” by Sofia Sundari, whose work was truly touching. Even though her work tends to come from a heterosexual and cisgender voice, her ability to work across gender and orientation experience in this specific course was wonderful. 
It was also a pleasure to attend a class by Susan Gilbert and Jennifer Rogers offered by AJSE (the American Journal for Sexuality Education) on Covid-19 and Sexual Health. What an amazing project by the NCSH(National Coalition for Sexual Health) They have put together a great set of resources that examine the risks of sex in these times, how to keep relationships health, accessing sexual health care and domestic abuse during these times… and more! I strongly recommend checking out their work. It is being regularly updated as new data emerges -
This week I also had the pleasure to lead a great class/discussion on Consensual Non-Monogamy for Today and Beyond. It covered a wide terrain including relationship anarchy, making choices about Covid-19 risks for a whole polycule, personal authenticity, the pros and cons of communities, envy v. jealousy, knowing your deal breakers… and how Dr. Who might be your “reserved intimacy.” Here are some of the resources shared by the group during the discussion. Whether you were there or not, I hope some of these come in useful. 

Come join me this week for a free class on human animal-role play and a discussion on queer magic I’m doing for a group on Facebook!

This is an image of me as Gunner, my inner Rottweiler guard dog. He is my opportunity to both be chill and protect those I love. 

Whinny, Woof, and Meow: Human Animal Play 

Wednesday May 20th, 2020 – 1-230pm Pacific; 3-430pm Central; 4-530pm Eastern 
Meeting ID: 243 929 4154
Password: 136777
Find your local number: 
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Are you a devoted pup, lazy cat, hungry pig, or noble equine? Do you enjoy handling human animals, or want to learn about why people are called to this type of play? In this class and discussion we will look at this diverse sort of play and identity exploration. Not everyone has the same take on this diverse category of interest: from firm training to shamanic interactions, passive pets to feral monsters, sadistic veterinarians to kids with their favorite pet, cuddly creatures to hard-working guard dogs… there is a little something for everyone. Come on by, whether you are new and curious or are an experienced beast of burden – this time is for you.

Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries

With Centered Hearth Facebook Group
Thursday May 21st, 2020 – 430-6pm Pacific; 630-8pm Central; 730-9pm Eastern
Attendees must join the Facebook group to participate in the discussion
Learn more on Facebook: 

Many pagan and magic-based paths are not LGBTQ+ focused, and yet magic in and of itself has a queer nature. In this class we will discuss queer deities throughout history, as well as the ancestors that can be drawn upon outside of bloodlines, while acknowledging the power of ourselves being outside of, between, or embracing multiple layers of orientation, identity, and experience. We will explore queering and queered magics, from turning rituals that already exist into ones that center queer experience to creating or embracing rituals and paths specifically for those of us who walk these paths. This class is open to anyone drawn to learn more about these topics, share their own personal experiences, be around peers, or become an ally through looking at the expansive nature of magic beyond boundaries.

To check out other classes I have coming up in May and June, visit my Upcoming Appearances page to learn more. They include courses on love languages for alternative sexuality communities, objectification playself-bondagesacred kinknegotiation for spicy sexuality... and more to be announced.
Much love to you all and see you soon!
Lee Harrington


Love Languages and Objectification Classes... and Reflections


Non-Monogamy and Protocol Classes May 13th!