Non-Monogamy and Protocol Classes May 13th!

Hello beautiful beings!

Living art on my walk today in the sunshine!

This week has found me back at my apartment after almost 6 weeks with the House Haven property. It was a hard decision to move back to being based in Austin, 30 minutes away, but as I will be discussing in the class/discussing on consensual non-monogany in the time of Covid-19 this week, it was the right thing for my mental health. I love my whole poly family, but sometimes alone time is the right answer, and I am aware of the privilege I carry in being able to make this decision.

For the past two weeks no one has explicitly taken notes from the discussions so I have nothing to pass on, but when I edit up my own notes from last week I will post them to the newsletter and on my Patreon. I’m so glad I have what I do have – over 110 people tuned in this past Wednesday, wow! I’m excited this coming week for getting to bring back a newly re-vamped version of my Protocols for Power Exchange Relationships class, “Sir! Yes Sir!,” for Wicked Grounds. It is taking a lot more energy than originally planned, but shifting a flowing discussion class into being a formal course is being quite the challenge. I’ll likely be incorporating some of it into my Delving Into Power workbook when I run my 3-day intensive again down the road. 

Blue skies overhead were so inspiring

Come join me this week for a free class and a great class with Wicked Grounds!

To check out other classes I have coming up in May, visit my Upcoming Appearances page to learn more. They include courses on queer magic, objectification play, and love languages for alternative sexuality communities... with more to be announced.

Much love to you all and see you soon!


Lee Harrington


Covid-19 Resources, Animal Play, And Queer Magic


Merry Beltane/Samhain and classes on Crotch Ropes and Kink Authenticity