Lee Harrington March-April Newsletter 2010 (NV, OR, AZ, MO, CA, MD)
The beginning of the year got away from me. This happens. I had two books come out since December, began madly painting, acquired a giant plastic tugboat, and in general have been traveling and causing trouble. The books? The first is “Sacred Kink: The Eightfold Paths of BDSM and Beyond”- an in depth look into altered states of consciousness, erotic exploration, and the ways we use kink to have profound experiences in our life. From negotiation to aftercare, top trances to ordeals, sex magic to pain processing, erotic shapeshifting to the spiritual calling of Mastery and Slavery... there is a bit of something for everyone. It has already been nominated for an award (fingers crossed) and gotten some fantastic reviews in spirituality and sexuality circles alike:
The second is “Shed Skins: Journeying in Self-Portraits.” This collection of ten years worth of self portraits was a hard one to let out into the world, but I was told and agree that it is an important one. You get a chance to look through my eyes into my journey, in all its shapes... sometimes sensual, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes beautiful and sometimes horrifying- but all are me as I struggled to know myself through the pages and build for myself a time travel machine that I could use to sit down and talk with myself across the years:
As always, you can keep up my work as an author, plus read free samples of my writing, listen to podcasts, peek into interviews and more, on my Author page: http://www.passionandsoul.com/author/
Paintings? Yes, I’ve been painting too. In fact, I’ve been in artist overdrive and have updated my sites to reflect it :)
And as for the giant toy boat… you’d have to be following me on Livejournal, Facebook, Twitter or Fetlife to see :)
The next few months have a lot in store- new writing projects, some surprise trips where I will be showing up with few folks knowing in advance… and other trips where I’m headlining. In April I will be doing my next Delving Into Power intensive in Maricopa, Arizona- not to be missed for those looking to explore their Dominance/submission dynamics and desires:
You are all beautiful and fabulous.I have tons more below- lots of exciting classes, performances and more... read on and stay tuned!
March and April 2010 Appearances/Classes/Events:
As always you can find complete class descriptions on my educator page at (http://www.PassionAndSoul.com/educator), and I am available in select cities below (and nearby) for private classes, sessions, erotic life coaching work, and more on the dates before and after:
Las Vegas, Nevada
March 5-6, Reverse Tensionz http://bit.ly/c3gkop and http://bit.ly/8jvizE
I will be teaching Punching/Kinking/Bruising techniques to a great gaggle of folks at the Erotic Heritage Museum, then doing it again with Erotic Macramé- decorative rope bondage!
Portland, Oregon
March 18, PDX Bondage Party, http://fetlife.com/events/13622
Come join me for an evening of bondage play, fun semi-performances, and rope trouble in Portland as the lines fly and the smiles and moans explode.
March 19-21, KinkFest, http://www.kinkfest.org/
Why let the Portland fun stop there? I will be teaching on Sacred Kink and Erotic Role Playing at this huge kink bash, 3 days of debauchery, education, networking, connections, hook ups, deep friendships and more!
Phoenix, AZ
March 25-26, Fascinations, http://www.funlove.com/
Two days back to back I am teaching at the 19th Ave. Phoenix store as part of the Fascinations “Let’s Talk Sex” series, I’ll be presenting on Introduction to Kink and Bondage for Lovemaking for two fantastic nights. Come and join me, dip in your toe, and come out dreaming delightfully wicked or sensual thoughts.
Maricopa, AZ
April 2-4, Delving Into Power Intensive, http://www.passionandsoul.com/power
Join me for 3 days of intensive personal exploration of rituals, connection, desire, dominance, submission, and personal truth. We will be diving deep into our passions, learning, talking, sharing, asking tough questions… and playing too. This is a limited-attendance event, but spaces are still available, located less than an hour and a half from PHX airport for folks who want to fly in for this opportunity.
St. Louis, Missouri
April 8-10, Beat Me In St. Louis, http://www.stl3.com/
I am so excited to be back at BMSL again, teaching for the second year in a row. I will be teaching Getting to Hot, Switching Strategies, Age Play and Let's Talk About Sex, as well as showing up and causing trouble and having deep conversations with the folks at STL-TNG.
Detroit, Michigan
April 11, Leather Leadership Conference, http://www.leatherleadership.org/
Though this conference is going for the entire weekend of April 9-11, I can only make it to one day. At the premier international conference of leadership, teaching and more in the kink communities, I will be lecturing on Effective Speaking Skills, and Age Based Groups in the Kink Communities.
San Francisco, CA
April 14, SF Citadel, http://www.sfcitadel.org/
Punching/Kicking/Bruising makes its way to San Francisco for a hot night of thuggery in the heart of the city! Join us for the sweat, the laughs, and of course, the pain.
April 16-18, International Ms. Leather, http://www.imsl.org/
Though the exact details of my involvement are still in discussion, this is for sure- I will be at IMsL. Check out the website for ideas of some of the naughtiness we’ll be getting up to, and expect to see some rope flying!
April 17, Femina Potens, http://www.feminapotens.org/
That night I will be doing erotic readings and maybe getting up to a bit of other delightful naughtiness at this amazing queer art space!
Northern Maryland
April 28-May 3, Sacred Sexuality Beltane, http://www.turtlehillevents.org/beltane/
This amazing pagan, sexuality and energy event is an amazing ride. This year I will be doing a pre-event intensive called “On Wings of Desire: Aerial Bondage for Magic and More” that will be teaching suspension techniques from a magical perspective. I will also be leading other rituals and discussions, as well as connecting with old friends and new ones. To register for the intensive, go here: http://www.turtlehillevents.org/beltane/wings.html
Looking beyond April!
In the next 6 months I have all kinds of other adventures, classes and intensives planned... am I coming to a city near you soon? If not, feel free to contact me at Lee@PassionAndSoul.com to see if we can help make it happen. For more up to date information, and for schedule details further into the future, please visit my calendar at: http://www.PassionAndSoul.com/calendar
Cleveland, OH; Chicago, IL
Palm Springs, CA; Northern Maryland
Phoenix, AZ and possible other adventures in New Mexico and New Orleans
Minnesota; Maryland; New Jersey; Edmonton, Alberta
Northern Maryland; Phoenix, AZ
I also have other plans for 2010 in the works… super secret ninja plans!
Want more of me? Well, you can keep up with my life, adventures and art at:
Live Journal - http://passionandsoul.livejournal.com/
This is my personal journal- full of naughty images, personal exploits, emotional ups and downs, and a variety of announcements mixed in with a way to peek into my being.
FetLife - http://fetlife.com/users/24336
This amazing erotic adventurer's networking site is an invaluable tool for me, and I have the "PassionAndSoul Student Lounge" there for people with questions or things they would like sharing from classes they have been to.
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/passionandsoul
I have totally fallen in love with facebook. I have a fan page (search for Lee Harrington) that fans built for me, plus I regularly post pictures, update via my twitter feed, and more!...and of course my website.
My pride and joy- keep up on my calendar, read essays by me, find my artwork, download audio classes, enjoy my books, and so much more! I look forward to seeing you all in person or online!
With Passion and Soul, Lee Harrington
Artist, Educator and Shaman