Heat, Polyamory, Objectification, and Auto-Erotic Play
Hello beautiful beings,
I am melting. It is 99 degrees outside and in this beautiful apartment I do not have air conditioning. There is air conditioning in the hallway, so I pop open my door, point a fan going inside, and funnel it in. It does feel hilarious though. I am also feeling so loved though because upon hearing about this a friend is long-term loaning me their portable unit shortly… so blessed.
In excitement though, today Colby Marie spent our first day in person working together as we began into the next chapter of my Beautiful Vistas oracle deck project! For folks who don’t understand these references, Colby Marie is the personal assistant that my Patreon supporters helped me find, and this was our first time after everyone in their bubble was vaccinated that we met in person. It was so good to connect with them, and build systems of how we will best work together. I’m even hiring someone to teach me about project management systems, which having been out of corporate settings for over 15 years, is both exciting and daunting.
Meanwhile, Beautiful Vistas is my 100 card oracle deck (think tarot, but more accessible without previous knowledge, and less structure). It features 20 years of worldwide travel photography, and working on finding all of the original files today highlighted some of the tech issues I have around my backup drives and historically working on a variety of platforms. But, these are also opportunities while doing this project to work on the streamlining as well.
Thinking of tech issues, I want to offer an apology to the folks who came out for the Altar Building discussion last week. When my Mac had to go to the Apple doctor, it seems the settings were not re-calibrated in Zoom and thus the chat was not saves. This is a shame as it was a great discussion. I’ve included the next two discussions in this newsletter due to when this newsletter is going out, as well as two other classes happening in the coming week. I look forward to seeing some of you there.
This coming week, come join me at:
Masturbation & Self-Play
June 16th, 2021 (1-2:30p Pacific, 2-3:30p Mountain, 3-4:30p Central, 4-5:30p Eastern, 8-9:30p GMT)
Share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/549057733111330/
Share on Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/events/1004854
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2439294154?pwd=ZGFhRWVaTjVhK1ZpZmthU0JrWmZFZz09
Meeting ID: 243 929 4154
Passcode: 136777love
Spank the monkey. Jill off. Beat the meat. Diddle the skittle. In honor of vic liu’s new book “Bang! Masturbation for people of all genders & abilities” let’s get together to share our favorite techniques for enjoying our bodies in solo auto-erotic, self-sensual, and personal pleasures. Some of us hold back from our explorations or passions too – so why is that? Whether your fantasies run edgy or sweet, playful or taboo (or all of the above), no two tastes are identical, and let’s share space for each other’s pleasures when it comes to how we get into our various ménage à moi.
Desired Object, Forgotten Object: Objectification for Animists
June 17th, 2021 (5:30-8p Pacific, 6:30-9p Mountain, 7:30-10p Central, 8:30-11p Eastern)
Share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/473699713750820/
Share on Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/events/983130
In the erotically adventurous world, a lot of conversation has been batted about concerning the idea of objectification and its supposed partner humiliation. However, for those of us who believe objects have souls, things have value, and the earth itself is not something to be thrown away when we are done with it, how does this dynamic between human and human-object shift? Let’s discuss how our interactions with a human table change for those of us who look at tables as more than wood? Can we apply our desire to create lasting relationships with our human-objects to creating lasting relationships with the non-human-objects in our world as well? In a world where everything has a soul, we will look at whether humiliation has a place in the language of objectification and dive into our own ethics while examining our objects of desire.
Open Hearts, Open Minds: Exploring ‘Alternative’ Relationship Structures
June 20th, 2021 (11a-2p Pacific, Noon-3p Mountain, 1-4p Central, 2-5p Eastern, 6-9p GMT)
Share on Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/events/960998
Modern romance dictates that a single individual should fulfill all of our needs – from sharing joys and fears, co-parenting and financial commitments, to sexual happiness, identity confirmation, and spiritual fulfillment. Is this fair? We will look into what relationships give us, then explore a wide variety of relationship structures that are being employed to have people fill all of their needs. Monogamy and serial monogamy are valid options, but what about polyamory, swinging, pre-arranged trysts, friends with benefits, or choosing to be our own life partner? How do we communicate in our relationships to make whatever structure we choose actually work, and we’ll look into issues like jealousy vs. envy, new relationship energy, and making each of our friends and partners feel like the unique person they are in our lives.
Moving Forward with Sex Positive Event and Play Parties (with Quill)
June 23rd, 2021 (1-2:30p Pacific, 2-3:30p Mountain, 3-4:30p Central, 4-5:30p Eastern, 8-9:30p GMT)
Share on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/493264482006816
Share on Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/events/1004861
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2439294154?pwd=ZGFhRWVaTjVhK1ZpZmthU0JrWmZFZz09
Meeting ID: 243 929 4154
Passcode: 136777love
Before the Covid pandemic there were a wide array of orgies, parties, kink conferences, festivals, and sex positive events happening worldwide… but now what? Join sexuality educator Lee Harrington and sexuality party host Quill as they discuss their own opinions, the thoughts of others that have spoken out on the topic, and open up to your tools and tips for making these events succeed (and be sexy) in the next chapter of gatherings. Let’s ask our questions, share risk assessment tools, decide where and what to host, and perhaps discuss the hottest topic of all – how can/will/must kink/sensuality/sexuality events change having had Covid change our lives?
I also have other classes and events coming up!
Come join me for one of these upcoming events, and visit my Upcoming Appearances page for things throughout the summer and beyond).
June 26, 2021 – Teaching “Dark Roleplaying,” accessible only to my patrons - Patreon-Only Series – Online Worldwide
June 27, 2021 – Teaching “(Re)Thinking Gender: Trans* Awareness, Fun with Gender, and Playing with Trans* Folk” – Wicked Grounds – Online Worldwide
June 30, 2021 – Hosting a discussion on “T4T: Trans+ to Trans+ Attraction, Desire, Sex, and Play” – Lee Harrington Weekly Wednesdays – Online Worldwide
July 5, 2021 – Teaching "Self Bondage" – Anomaly – Online Worldwide
July 9 – Teaching "Strategies for Switches: Fulfilling Your Desires" – Karada House – Online Worldwide
July 9, 2021 - D/s discussion with Caroline Carrington – Online Worldwide
July 10, 2021 – Teaching "Getting Spicy & Freaky: Kink & BDSM Basics" – Wicked Grounds – Online Worldwide
To check out other classes and intensives beyond April (conferences and classes alike), visit my Upcoming Appearancespage to learn more. From there you can sign up for my free newsletter as well. To enjoy further free material from me, consider joining me on Patreon :)
Much love to you all and see you soon!
Yours in Passion and Soul,
Lee Harrington