Aiden Birthday Ninja Action!
Don't let the date fool you- I am being super-sneaky and back-dating this entry to plan for Aiden Fyre's (aka Mina Meow) birthday for February 18th, 2011. You all know Aiden:
But it's not just me! Brooklyn Finn and I are putting together a crack-team (that would be you) to help make Aiden's birthday a special one. Though some cool stuff happens on Aiden's birthday (it's hard not to when it's Valentines/Dark Odyssey Winter Fire)- I'd like to take an opportunity this year to have their friends team up with us and help show them that they are not just thought of last minute- that folks think of them... regularly. In advance. And not just when there is a need for a volunteer.
So, what we are doing: We are having Master Aslan from Aslan leather, make a custom chest harness for Aiden. It normally retails for $149, but as a personal favor and because they adore Aiden, Aslan is making the harness for $100 and bringing it secretly to Winter Fire. The dimensions were smuggled off of Aiden in secret... er, okie, really, I just ordered them to give me every body measurement, including their head-size, so that they had no idea what I was doing. We are also getting them a Tiramisu cake from New York, that Finn will be smuggling down. Friday night of Winter Fire, Opening Ritual will be at 7pm-8pm (that I am leading), followed by the Cabaret. After Aiden and I perform, we will be having a group of folks nab Aiden and take them off either to a private hotel room, or the dungeon, or some space yet to be determined. There will be hijinx. I want Aiden to be at the CENTER of said hijinx. I'm all for group fun, but Aiden has been seriously out of being the center of sexual escapades, as the recipient, for a while... and my Boy deserves it.
If we have enough funds raised, I am also hoping to buy something more "practical" for Aiden. For those who do not know, Aiden is graduating with their RN from NYU this May. They are continuing on to their NP (allowing them to be an independent practitioner nurse, specializing in family health for families of all sorts, especially LGBT, kink and poly families) afterwards. Thus, they will need new shoes. Nurses shoes. Comfortable, white, with good inserts, for the new job after graduation round 1. On their Amazon Wishlist they have 2 different pairs shown... I figure give them the funds ready to go. I know, not so sexy as all the leather and cake and sex- but important. Really important for their long term success. And if we manage to get more than that? Well, sounds like the Boy will get more fun-sexy toys from their wishlist :)
For those who would prefer to give individual gifts, either together with a group contribution or separately, and are looking for ideas, Aiden has an Amazon Wishlist here. So- how can you be involved?
Option 1: Funding
I tried to make an Aiden-specific donation button, but it gave me tech issues... so paypal me at (if you choose "personal- I owe them money", paypal charges no fee to either party), or click the "support passionandsoul" donate button on here with a note that it's for Aiden :)No net funding systems? Get cash to Brooklyn Finn or myself. Email us, or call me using the link below.
Option 2: Stuff
Have a secret Tiramisu supplier? Have a second cousin who works in the shoe industry? Know how to acquire something totally cool? Have something you can add to the idea? Bring it!
Option 3: Involvement
Coming to Dark Odyssey: Winter Fire? Want to help us make this a fantastic evening focused on Aiden? Let's make some magic! Throw us some ideas, proposals, or commit to be there for the fun... and trust me, it will be fun! And if you don't want to be part of the naughtiness (it could happen), come cheer them on on-stage at the Cabaret that night... we will likely be onstage around 8pm or so.
Option 4: Love Notes
Aiden's Birthday is Friday, February 18th. Everyone on Facebook knows this, because the birthday reminder pops up. Aiden gets happy when folks remember the day of- but blown away wen folks remember in advance. So- yes, send your normal birthday greetings on the day of. Set notes on your calendar systems and remember to do it :) But... for those who have the inkling- consider dropping them a note a week or so in advance and say things like "hey, isn't your birthday coming up," or "have any special plans for your birthday," or... whatever.
Option 5: Do something nice
If not for Aiden- for someone else. For the world. Think of them when you do it. Let them know later that you did it. I'd say it’s like paying it forward, but the reality is, there isn't a cosmic bank account... it’s about making the world a better place for all of us- including this amazing Boy I have in my life. So yeah- do something to make the world a better place. Feed someone hungry. Clothe someone cold. Be the person of your dreams. Follow your authenticity. And let Aiden know how much they've inspired you to do just that.
Thank you all for whatever you can give, do, create or assist with. Every little bit really does help. It is important to me that Aiden not just hear that Finn and I love, adore and appreciate them. Aiden thrives best in a tribe- and you are their tribe. Let this gift of leather be from their tribe, not just from me. And let this birthday love be from all of us... and year-round as well. Pass this on to those who you think would like to help, but PLEASE do not post the link on any social media (facebook, twitter, fetlife) except in direct messages, emails, etc- or Aiden WILL see it.
With love, Lee Harrington
(503) 544-8237