The ups and downs of coming home
Patience on the head shaving stuff, I hope to post it soon...
That aside- the last 36 hours has been- hard? great? hard to say. After heading to the Director's house post-head-shaving to watch some of TAKEN (I did enjoy that series), Mars and I headed home and broke in my hew hairstyle or lack thereof with some incredibly hot gay-boy sex that left me satiated, almost drooling. No more body issues, with him straddled across me as my face was pushed into a pillow, I looked like and felt just like a boy, just long enough to truly be Brian again. It was- amazing. I love my Mars, I really do.
It's funny, this new look makes me feel both more masculine *and* more feminine. It's all about how I'm being percieved. In a corset or nude masturbating, face all done-up and in high heels, I think I look more like a goddess than I ever have. But having someone grip the back of my bald head and force me down to my knees to suck their cock... wow.
We got maybe 3 hours of sleep before a 4am wakeup alarm to be out the door before 5am to be at the airport by 5:30am. 7am flight back home, ugh.
Alaska Airlines had lost my flight, then found it again, then proceeded to have machines break down... I finished with check-in around 6:15am, just long enough to get through security and to my own gate by the time they began boarding. I looked through the pics from the head shaving on the way home and read some of my book... nice, relaxing.
Furry wasn't there when I got off the plane. He wasn't at baggage claim. I called every 15 minutes to no avail. After sitting on the old floor for 1.5 hours, I got sick of waiting, and took all 4 of my bags and labored to get them to the MAX. Ugh. After some of my amazing times, it was like *is it right for me to have come home?* And I hated thinking that. Hated it.
He'd slept through the alarm, and his phone had fallen under his desk in his office and gotten buried. A few minutes after I got to the Transit Center he arrived... and I stopped myself from exploding at him. Instead, I insisted that we go and buy him a new alarm clock... now. We now have 2 alarm clocks in the bedroom, no more of this sleeping through important stuff BS that he and I do once in a blue moon. I just can't deal with it any more- being on time is such a big deal for me. I am mi Madre's daughter, a woman literally plagued with constant nightmares of being late.
He took me to go get food. I cried in his arms outside of Fred Meyers, and told him why it hurt so much. Not becuase I'd been gone. Not because I'd missed him. But because there are some people in my life that I can count on 120%. There are some people I just shouldn't count on. Those are both fine. As long as I know, I can be prepared for being let down or not. But when it's someone who *says* that they are there for me 120% of the time but in reality there are just times when they vanish for no reason and I never know when to expect it... it's harder. So much harder. Furry isn't the only one in my life who is like this, and ya know, I'm like this too. And I'm sure I hurt people too. And knowing that saddens me... I shouldn't take it out on the folks who are so like me.
Back home we talked, we shared, we told tales, he showed me how the new Satelite TV and DVR system works (whoooo hooo Law & Order galore!!!!). We were going to run errands but decided to do our own things for a bit, then ended up playing a little. This led to having him re-mark me, washing over where others had lay claim, reminding me whose I was.
Warning to OLF/GenCon folks: I may or may not be able to have vaginal sex or clitoral play on that trip, all depends on when I end up getting collared.
Question: Has anyone on here had a clitoral Triangle piercing? How long did your healing times take???