Blessed be the nutjobs...
over there.A friend of mine recently ranted that as a spirit worker they had been contacted by a lot of crazy folks as of late. Not "I know you can help me" crazy folks, no, like the "I need to live with you NOW and am following you" crazy folks.I appreciate madness in all its forms, and understand the wisdom sometimes hidden in layers of malfunction. Trust me, I truly do. But I must say I feel truly blessed that as of late, I have only had a handful of over the top folks around me. Mind you- I'm also spending a lot of time solo. BUT, I laughed out loud when I saw this:I can't stop smiling. I have had those times, and bright blessings to the fact that I don't any more, except rare bursts.Today I met with someone who was not a nutjob. Ok, they contacted me out of the blue online, and were a bit wacky by email... but today I truly got to flex my biblical reference wings and discuss faith on a delightful level with a Christian working through their crisis not of faith, but of filter.We each filter the world through our own experiences and our cultural surroundings. Sometimes, if we have faith in the divine, it comes in conflict with what scripture and doctrine says. Remember- the bible was not written yesterday, the language was out of date, the references are colored with the cultural experiences of the times they were written in. Jesus getting his feet washed by a woman in mixed company was radical and over the top. The fact that he asked that "ye who has never sinned cast the first stone" is intense, again, especially given the time.There is a temptation, when giving up one filter (of anything- relationships, faith, passion, work) to immediately put a new one in its place. But what does the world look like without a filter of that category? What are *your* thoughts? Not what are the thoughts you think through the filters you have been living- what are the thoughts that the you that is *I* thinks about the topic, the moment, the individual, the truth you are experiencing?Faith does not have to be about setting up compulsive serial monogamy. Consider dating. Consider spending some time celibate. Consider a mourning period of relationship. And who knows- maybe after spending some time apart, perhaps you and your lover can get to know each other again, with fresh eyes, if you don't burn the bridges on the way out.