Another Question, Another Answer (beliefs, who do you work for?)

> What I'm very interested in learning about is your> spirituality.> I've heard little about your beliefs, but I'd like to learn more.That is, well, really huge and really vague.So, lets start with a few ideas.1) The universe is alive.2) There are spirits, consciousnesses, and more. Some we can see, some we can't. Some of them matter, some of them don't, for the journey we ourselves are on... just like the people, bugs, bits of air and more we encounter... some matter, some don't, based on the journey we are on.3) The universe is a really amazing place. There is a lot of stuff in it.4) Sometimes the universe changes the journey we are on.5) Sometimes we change the journey the universe is on.6) There is a divine force out there echoing through all of it, every bit.Hows that for a start?I am owned, collared, etc to Bear. More accurately Mama Bear, the cruel and beautiful and loving and perfect modern manifestation of the neolithic concept of all things Bear. If people ask me what kind of bear, 9 times out of ten I answer black bear. Its just what falls out of my mouth. The tenth time is a version of the answer above. Mama Bear is a healer, an opener of doorways, a clearer of ways, a provider, a love-bringer, a repairer of lost ways, and has a mean right hook.However, just because I belong to Bear and have signed myself over, had her paw prints tattood on my neck and a lot more... doesn't mean its all who I work for. I have done Work (capital for important stuff, rather than mundane stuff) for Ameratsu (Japanese Sun Goddess), Neti (Mesopotamian Gatekeeper to the Underworld), Set and Nephtys (Egyptian Pantheon Deities), Hera (Lady of Olympus and Beyond), Baphomet (sigh), Trash (that which is what we throw away yet never truly goes away), and others along the way. But the Work I have done for each of them has ended up coming back to the Work I do for Bear. Clearer of Ways, Opener of Doors, Connection to That Which Is Needed. Its not often my Job to do, per se, but to help people find what it is that they are in fact needing to get their own cosmic Work done. I laughingly refer to it as being the "Keeper of Keys and the Universal Rolodex". I also have an odd side family birthright/curse (depending) involving being a packrat for God. So be it.God? Huh? Didn't I just say I work for all these different Gods and spirits and stuff?See #6 :)Hinduism works on the same principle. There are Many Gods. There is one God.It is reflected in the words I AM for me. Is a magical theorem, a universal truth... whatever. I AM myself... and yet I AM also a slice of the divine. It extrapolates out to the concept then that I AM, being my divine consciousness connection to divine spark, thus makes me god too if we are all one... I can go into it and my own thoughts around it later if it interests you.There is more, but how about we start with that [...]


Another Question, Another Answer (enema tips)


Can not stop laughing