The Mystery Box Show
In Portland, Oregon, it was my pleasure to take to the stage in December at the Mystery Box Show. This fantastic storytelling night runs regularly, and features a wide variety of storytellers telling their experiences of sex - from famous folks to the gal next door. The story I told was one of going to a caning (yup, being hit with sticks) competition that led to my emotional healing from heartbreak. Of course German dominatrices help get over depression!That week was a crazy whirlwind with my sweetie Butterfly down from Anchorage to Seattle, a drive down to Portland by way of the dark death-roads of Tillamook, back up to Seattle, and then our flight home. We go to spend some quality time with my family, go to some parties, visit friends, eat tasty food, and be yelled at by some drunk Santas. These are the things that happen in the northwest. It was good to be back in my old stomping grounds, and to show her where I grew up and some of my people.Enjoy the video!