RopeLover Yahoo Group Closes
Dear fans, friends, and followers,In 2002 when I launched, it was an exciting project. I had been a sex blogger (back when I called them internet journals) since 1998, and my bandwidth was costing me too much money. I had been doing porn since the end of 1999, and decided to take the content I had been building up and launch my own adult site.It was a small project at first, but it grew. And grew. At one point I had 10,000+ images, plus audio, video and of course, my journal. It was a lot of fun.
I retired in 2007 after my gender transition from female to male. Though I could have followed in the footsteps of, I made a choice not to become a female to male porn star. I had transitioned into being a sexuality author (with such books as Shibari You Can Use, Sacred Kink, and the Toybag Guide to Ageplay), speaker, photographer and performance artist.It has been a delight to have this group, but since 2007 I have not been actively monitoring it. I am sorry for the spam that got through.
Thus, with a hint of sadness, it is time to close the RopeLover yahoo group.I would encourage you to keep in touch! My websites are:http://PassionAndSoul.com (my books) (my monthly podcast) (my work as a photographer and painter)You can also find me online in other formats: you so much for all your love and support over the years!Cheers,Lee (formerly Bridgett) Harrington