PassionAndSoul Student Lounge Opens've wanted a place for a while to discuss after the class ends the ins and outs of what touched us... to keep the conversation going. This is an opportunity to do just that! I love my Yahoo Group, but its not very well suited for following conversations in my opinion. Finally, a forum has been created for sexual explorers by sexual explorers- and I've decided to host my student lounge there.I've already started 2 threads- one for introducing ourselves, and one for Denver Bound where I just taught... but my hope is that you will say hi first, then if you don't see a thread for the class, book or essay of mine you want to discuss, you'll start a thread on that specific topic.Welcome to the experiment!Welcome to the PassionAndSoul Student Lounge :)And yes, its on FetLife, which yes, requires joining... but having done online groups for kink for over a decade, I have to say this is the best forum I have ever been part of.


Receiving Puja


Lee Harrington - October Newsletter (CO, CA, WI, IL, HI)