Chronicles of a Kink Educator's Assistant

I am so excited to officially introduce myself and to join this delightful community. Through the amazing support of Lee's Patrons, I began working as Lee’s assistant in March, and I have already been so inspired by the work I have been doing for him. I am grateful for everyone supports Lee’s inclusive and educational work, and I am honored that I can also support him through my work as his assistant.

A little about me – I’m southern enby (nonbinary person) raised in the Georgia humidity. I grew up on taco casserole and a heavy diet of horror movies. When I’d matured into a blossoming queerdo, I moved to Denver, seeking our city’s dry, dry sunshine. I previously worked as a public elementary school teacher, but I now work as a professional writer, sex worker, and administrative assistant.

As the friendly ghost that haunts Lee's social media and education events, I've spent the last few months traveling with Lee to Georgia for Sex Down South, coloring my ADHD self through Lee's amazing "Gender Dysphoria to Gender Euphoria" workshop at Unabashed Con in Denver, and getting to have some of the prototypical personal assistant experiences. Picking up dry cleaning. Mailing packages. And reminding Lee to do the thing he told me to remind him to do a week ago.

Lee and I have been especially focused on...

  • Building his Gumroad, where you can now purchase slides from many of his workshops and will eventually be able to purchase video recordings of some of his classes

  • Completing administrative tasks for Passion and Soul LLC

  • Promoting and getting ready for Lee's upcoming workshops

  • Mailing books to the amazing patrons of Mystic Productions Press

It's truly been a blast. Your support continues to mean I get to work for the most compassionate and generous boss in the world. Lee sends the sweetest messages and is so supportive of my own endeavors to grow as a kink educator. He truly works to make the kink world accessible to everyone, and it is such an honor to get to do some things that make his life a little easier.

With that said, Lee has asked that I share some information about my own classes that I will be teaching in the next month! Through Lee's support and mentorship, I have developed classes on kink and tarot, designing an intimacy space, and p0rn positivity. I hope I'll be able to see some of you virtually at one of these classes, since your support is a big reason I'm able to teach them!

With love,

Casper (they/them/theirs)


11/09, 6 PM MST, "P0rn Positivity: Developing a Healing, Sex Worker-Supportive, and Joyful Relationship to P0rn"

Online via Sexual Health Includes Pleasure (SHIP)

​Growing up in a sex-negative culture, watching p0rn is often something done secretively and privately. P0rn can feel erotic but also taboo, shameful, and exploitative. During this workshop, we will explore our internalized shame messages around watching p0rn and develop techniques for recognizing and healing those shame messages. We will dive into ways that watching p0rn can be healing, joyful, and fun. We will also explore our own curiosities about p0rn and discuss ways to consume p0rn in a way that is ethical and supportive of sex workers and p0rn stars. Finally, we will brainstorm ways to prioritize masturbation, erotica reading, and p0rn watching during our busy day-to-day lives.

11/12, 9:30 AM MST, "Divining Your Desires: Deconstructing and Reading Tarot to Deepen Your Kink Practice"

Online via the Kink Between the Lines conference

As they infinitely juggle two pentacles, The Two of Pentacles whispers a seductive idea, “Demand your sub holds stones above his head until his entire world is the weight and joy and pain of observing your every wish.” The Tower crumbles, and in her ruins, she asks you to explore and release the shame and insecurity pulling you from your deepest desires. Tarot cards have long been used to help readers connect to their ancestral magic, explore their hidden thoughts, and seek the next steps on their journey. However, tarot cards have also been a source of pain, their interpretations designed to uphold white supremacy, capitalism, classism, and the gender binary. During this workshop, participants will deconstruct and rewrite traditional tarot interpretations, finding their own story within the journey from The Fool to The World. Through a gender expansive, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist lens, participants will re-interpret the cards to uncover, divine, or inspire their kinkiest desires. By the end of the workshop, participants will leave with tarot spreads and interpretations that can help guide them in opening and deepening their solo and/or partnered kink practices. Take a deep breath. Pull a card, and meet what awaits you.

11/12, 3:15 PM MST, "How to Build an Intimacy Space"

Online via the Kink Between the Lines conference

You get home at the end of a long word day and all you want to do is lay on your couch and close your eyes. You find yourself falling prey to the monotony of capitalism and daily routines. How can you recapture and prioritize intimacy and play within your life? With the recent popularity of the Netflix show, How to Build a Sex Room, you may feel the desire to create a space in your home that prioritizes kink, sex, play, and/or intimacy. However, you may find yourself stuck by the show’s capitalistic and compulsory sexuality constraints. During this workshop, we will explore our reasons for desiring such a space, whether the space be sexual or not, and discuss how we can create our own spaces outside of the constraints of capitalism, consumerist culture, and compulsory sexuality. We will map out our own box, shelf, space, or otherwise, and hunt for everyday objects that could fill our space. Participants will leave with a roadmap for prioritizing their own needs and wants in a way that doesn’t break their budget and that respects their unique desires for kink, sex, and/or intimacy.


You Have More Power Than You Know - 11/6 Newsletter


Consent and Altered States