Kink For Grounding (And Trans Intimacy PDF)

Hello beautiful beings,
Thank you to everyone who joined me this Wednesday for the “Transgender Awareness and Intimacy Approached” class/discussion. I promised folks who attended a copy of the PDF for the power point for the course – so here you go, enjoy!
Today I am spending my day taking apart and putting back together my 4-hour class on being an ally to transgender people called “Beyond Pronouns: Tools for Allyship of Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals.” I’m so excited about it, though I did make sure to step outside and enjoy these beautiful flowers. Check out the vast amount of data I am rearranging to make it engaging and even a bit fun in the pic below. It is part of the 2-day intensive called “Our Intimate Selves: Sex, Gender, Orientation, and Transgender Awareness” offered April 24th-25th. The intensive offers 16 CE credits from AASECT, but can be enjoyed by a wide variety of individuals, but the 4-hour stand-alone class will be offering tools for:

  • People who want to support trans youth and their parents

  • Those who want their companies to be more trans-supportive

  • Individuals who want to have better ways to talk about, and converse with, transgender and gender diverse people

  • Folks who want to understand the whole “bathroom thing”

  • Medical providers who want to offer more quality care

  • Partners of trans people who want to support their lovers and spouses (and receive support yourselves)

  • Trans people who want to be better allies to each other

  • …and more

This are my many files all over the ground as I work on that allyship class mentioned :)

This coming Wednesday, April 15th, I will be doing another free discussion in my online series during this time of social distancing called “Kink for Grounding.” 

Whether you are into bondage, power exchange relationships, sadistic and masochistic play, fetishism, sexual hedonism, or some other sort of “kink,” join us as we talk about how we can use our kinks to keep us grounded in this chaotic time. Social distancing can have use feeling separated from others, so how do we use these amazing and diverse tools to keep us connected to one another and to our authentic selves. Bring your ideas and keep an open mind as we all share our experiences and help each other brainstorm ideas.

Kink for Grounding

Apr 15, 2020 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 390 228 890
Password: 136777

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Much love and see you there!

Yours in Passion and Soul,

          Lee Harrington


Age Play And Kink For Grounding Handout


Lee Harrington Online Classes