Quotes, images and other moments and thoughts from La Garou CampOUT
What a view from a st andrew's cross... and the field beyond where fun was had."I was proud when I surpassed the guitar on the value scale."- Joshua Tenpenny, during his and Raven Kaldera's class on 24-7 D/s RealitiesThoughts to chew on from said class:Fetishy contracts/protocols vs. Usable contracts/protocolsSlave training- what is the best to suit MY needsImplicit vs. Explicit submission"If it's not all on you, you're not really in charge" - RavenHard to remember I am a finite resource"can't really go to Slaves R Us" - Raven75% percent of porn doms are crazyThe whole debate around Internal enslavement and/or astral modification"As transguys we don't tend to talk about our dicks"- Jay Elbrect, during his class 'Fuck me Propah'
Jinx breathing fire Saturday night"Even bad massages can feel pretty good." Jinx, during her class on foot massages for submissivesThoughts from Rae Goldman's "Outdoor and Wilderness Bondage" class to chew on:It doesn't have to be pretty to be effectiveNasofarangeal airway openersDrag and left techniquesbondage as an excuse for co-topping opportunitiesPiggy Back harness (and remembering a different modification of a hip harness I know)zig zag modification of daisy chain tieThoughts to chew on for me from Raven Kaldera's "BDSM and spirituality" class"When you shove it in a closet it comes out in bits"What else do you have locked in that closet that could get attached to your sexuality?What are you doing with your altered state?What are you without what you are propped up by?Being the sacred badass"Not a justification, just my truth"
The abandoned storage houseThoughts to chew on for me (on all of these I have MANY more notes than what I am posting) from the Top/Bottom/Switch Fishbowl moderated by BennyFascinating format (4 chairs, start w 3 people in chairs, all outside chairs must be silent, when new person comes and claims chair 4, someone must leave)"My clients are too polite to ask what I'm into"The concept of an "upsetting the viewers" fetish"...Speaking of loving mutual relationships with living robot girls..." -Vic"I too have seen the pussy foot" -JinxIdeas for starting an under 21 resource on kink w/out calling it thatDaytime badge color for events that say 21+ because they have a bar in the eveningThoughts from the Gender & Kink round table hosted by Raven Kalderaw/out penis v. w/twat"Look, I'm still being gender subversive, it's ok!" -Joshua, on doing the dishes as a man
Creepyhouse closeupQuotes from the La Garou National Meeting:"Waiting on your club does not make you a bottom, it makes you a pledge" - Jake, on the issue of Tops who refuse to do club service"Just be yourself, be proud of who you are, you know, just be normal guys" - Vic, on dealing with the world at large"If I show it to you, you have to suck it" - Jay, on his response to guys who want to see his dick
One of the 3 pumping stations that I found during my hikes, funny, as I was missing the class on pumping during my hike.Like I said, lots of good stuff.