Pam asked...

What my body looks like in my minds eye.I don't know any more.I know i have fur, but a smooth mid-back in my mind's eyeNo breasts, but there are pecsEnough ass to still grab ontoFacial hair...The closest pic I could find in a short search was this... warning, all links have male nudes: for those of me who know me as Brian- you get it. I could cut and paste images all day, but that doesn't help- hell, it probably hinders...In the mean time- check out these hot sites I enjpyed as part of my search.JT Seaton Men's Art Nudes nude Bears on Buck Angel's site... I found out I'm on page 3 of the new tour... Lena Ramon is on page 2. Look- Buck's site. He lost his home in Katrina.


Back to civilization? Dark Odyssey pt 1


Exposition of the concept of form.