Lee Harrington
Authenticity, sexuality, & spirituality author, educator, and instigator
Hello Beautiful Beings!
My name is Lee Harrington, and since 2001, I have been gifted the opportunity to be an author, educator, and authenticity instigator. In 2006 I made an intense pair of decisions – to finally pursue my gender transition, and to leave the nonprofit world to pursue my passions full time. By pursuing the life of my dreams, my hope is to inspire you to explore, thrive, live your fullest life, and support others in doing the same.
Books & Media
Explore Lee’s extensive catalog by booking courses or intensives, purchasing recorded classes, and attending upcoming classes online or in person.
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After 6 months at this level, (receiving everything already listed) you can fly me out to your area to arrange for a special educational opportunity or get-together, or perhaps have you come visit Denver to do something similar. Let's talk about what feels good to you, or your group!
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